Facial Surgery

Facial Enhancement




Face-lift surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure to create a more youthful appearance of an individual’s aged face.

Facelift surgery can reduce the sagging or folds of skin on the cheeks and jawline and essentially lifts and firms the sagging facial tissues to restore a more youthful facial appearance.


Blepharoplasty or a cosmetic Eyelid Surgery is a surgical procedure performed on either the upper or lower eyelids for correcting defects, deformities, and disfigurations of the eyelids; and for aesthetically modifying the eye region of the face.

Blepharoplasty can reduce the excess skin on the upper and lower eyelids, giving a more youthful periorbital appearance, and can also improve the vision in many patients struggling with a condition of brow ptosis.


Often referred to as nose job, Rhinoplasty is a Facial cosmetic surgical procedure performed to alter the shape and structure of the nose. Nose being at the center of the face, is an important structure in terms of Facial beauty. Rhinoplasty alters and modifies the internal cartilages and bone of the nose to reshape it to a more acceptable and aesthetically pleasing appearance. It can improve the size and shape, straighten the bridge, alter the base, and improve the tip of the nose.


Facial Feminisation surgery involves a group of surgical procedures performed simultaneously to achieve a more feminine facial structure. Most commonly, these clusters of surgical procedures is asked by transgenders who would like to have a more feminine facial profile. A male and female face has obvious structural differences. Facial plastic surgical procedures can modify these differences to achieve a more feminine appearance. Some of the areas of the face that needs to be altered to achieve a feminine look involve the angle of the jaw, the chin, the nose, the forehead, the eyebrow, and the hairline.


Cleft lip or palate are birth defects seen in genetically predisposed children. The defects are seen as splits or gaps in mostly the upper lips and the roof of the mouth called the plate. It could only be limited to the lip or could involve both lip and palate. It could be just on one side or both sides. These defects hamper the quality of life to a large extent right from feeding, speech, and appearance of the individual at later stages of life.


Orthognathic or jaw surgery encompasses a group of surgical procedures designed to correct the deformities in the structure and shape of the jaw and face. It includes many procedures that are performed on the upper and lower jaws. In genetically predisposed patients, jaws grow in a deformed manner. There could be a deformity in vertical or horizontal directions in one or both the jaws. The deformity could have an influence on facial symmetry, chewing and eating, speech, swallowing, etc. Orthognathic or Jaw surgeries are performed to correct the facial asymmetry, improve chewing and speech, improve the ability of lips to close, minimize excessive wear and tear of teeth.


Ear reconstruction surgery is a staged Facial Cosmetic surgical procedure aimed to reconstruct or restore the missing, the underdeveloped, or deformed external ear may be from birth (congenital) or trauma or cancer surgery. The surgical procedure basically is performed in stages in which patients’ own rib cartilage is taken to reconstruct the external ear. The surgery gives a near-normal appearance to the distorted or missing ear which greatly improves the self-esteem of a patient.


Ear lobe repair is a very commonly performed facial cosmetic surgical procedure to repair a torn, droopy, or stretched ear lobe. Ladieswear heavy earrings and ear jewelry. With age, the weight of the earring stretches and tears the ear lobe. Sometimes accidentally too, the earring could be pulled to tear apart the lobe. Ear lobe repair or autoplasty is a surgical procedure that can be performed on an outpatient basis to repair these kinds of torn lobes.


Facial implants are synthetic man-made materials, which are highly biocompatible and are used to provide cosmetic definition to the face. Facial implant surgeries can be performed on various parts of the face like cheeks, chin, lower jawline, and angle, etc. These are performed in patients with facial deformities or in older patients who have lost the volume of fat from the face. These implants basically replace the lost volume and structure on the face. One of the most important indications is its use in patients with Parry Romberg syndrome where there is progressive atrophy of the soft tissues in half side of the face (hemifacial atrophy).

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